I just discovered a new app which is amazing. The graphical user interface is also very innovative and friendly.
Maybe guys from Quasado could give a look
I invite you to test the demo, you will be positively surprised http://www.syniumsoftware.com/logoist/
Reminds me of an app I use called Art Text, but that app only exports to raster (although has vector tools.) Does Logoist remain vector on export?
I've been investigating iDraw. It has some FreeHand-like features and a very cool UI. Needs to evolve more but on the right track to become a vector Pixelmator. http://www.indeeo.com/idraw/mac.html
I tried logoist and I have to say that's a nice piece of software. Really enjoy working with it. I was using Illustrator but it was hard to learn. If you compare illustrator and logoist I will hoose Logoist. Well done